Monday, December 05, 2005

Holiday excitement

For some reason, I am VERY EXCITED about the holiday season this year. Seeing lights, decorations, hearing the music, and smelling the sweet and spicy baked goods all put a smile on my face and a warm feeling in my heart. I am even excited to do the cooking I'll be doing for the parties and potlucks between now and then.

I admit that this is unusual for me. What perplexes me is that I can't figure out why I'm so excited this year. Nothing special will happen this particular December 25th. For reasons beyond my control, there will be no Christmas decorations, no tree, no lights, no special meal at my family's home.

Perhaps that is why I am celebrating now. Speaking of now, now here's the Prickly Pineapple's question for you. What gets you excited about Christmas?


Blogger KiltedJedi said...

Egg nog, sugar cookies, and a heightened sense of the Divine.


4:17 PM  
Blogger CamoBunny said...


Braum's eggnog ice cream and milkshakes made thereof! With gingerbread! Brak clips saying, "Happy birthday, Jesus!"

2:22 PM  
Blogger KiltedJedi said...

And last but not least, fat lard butted cats w/bows stuck to them. Muh-wha hahahahahahahahahaha!


6:23 PM  
Blogger CamoBunny said...

Whoa. I wanna see pictures.

7:24 PM  
Blogger KiltedJedi said...

To date, this is but a tortured figment of my demented imagination. I'm not sure I'm bold enough to endure the requisite blood-letting that will make this glorious picture come to fruition. Will work on it.


8:15 AM  
Blogger CamoBunny said...

Here's a handy tip: cooked rice serves as an excellent organic yet glue-like adhesive. ever had a grain of cooked rice get stuck to the bottom of your sock?

i'm seein' the bows man. red on the grey one. green on the orange one.

9:57 AM  

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