Monday, February 06, 2006

Dear Prickly...

Inspired by the recent blogstalking incident and having received a few related questions, I'm getting ready to write my thoughts on blog etiquette. Anyone have any thoughts or pet peeves they'd like me to share/address?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goody goody goody! Make sure you talk about lurking, referrals, and what's up with those blogs that you have to register and everything before you can respond? And what about the blogger account thing when you post a comment here, under "Choose an identity." I usually just click "Other" because I'm afraid of "Sign up here." Should I make an account? Also, is it okay to kick someone out whom you don't know (like that one who was submitting strange captions a while back) and how do you do that? And finally, who invented blogs? i guess that's not quite a question about etiquette, but I'm still curious.

Thank you for helping me become a more proper blogger.

4:21 PM  
Blogger Ray said...

something i've been particularly awful at (as evidenced by folks, mainly old classmates, repeatedly googling their own names and making their way to my blog only to find what I'm sure is an altogether confusing and obscure reference to their person after wondering who the blog belongs to) is mentioning names. the camobunny has been especially tactful in maintaining hers and others respective anonymities, so i wonder, what are your ground rules for name mentioning?

4:55 PM  

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