Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Contest #5 is closed.

And we have a winner!

The winner is Saara, who is the only contestant to have submitted photos for all twenty-six categories. I also happen to know that she went out and took many or most of her photos especially for the contest, which gives her pictures bonus specialness.

Be sure to go to the contest page at least once more for a look at all the submissions. They were all great, as I knew I could expect from the fabulous people who read my blogs. I have yet to go through and designate which photos were my favorite out of each category (I can't figure out the html to do what I want to do. Maybe I won't do it, because it doesn't really matter, and why play favorites?), but here's the PricklePointage™ from the contest:

Saara 210
Eschemo Survivor 155
Puffintoad 125
Nachodogg 80
Alleycat 45
L.L. 10

Congratulations to our winners, and thanks to all of you who submitted photos. I had fun and hope that you did too.

Oh and to those of you who said you'd participate and did not, a big fat raspberry. Thhbhbhbhbhbpt.


Blogger A. Klemmer said...

OMG. I planned it out and then didn't even play. Even with TTD in the game. This is what's scaring me lately. How much I'm forgetting. Daily. Hourly. Within minutes. (Sigh.) Maybe next time.

8:34 AM  

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