... whose name I feel like changing to PricklePoints™.
Last night someone said something to the effect of "What do I have to do to get some flurkin' PricklePoints™ around here?"
The answer to that question, to be obnoxiously curt, is "Do what I say to do when I say I'll give you PricklePoints™ to do it." Of course I wouldn't leave it at that but that I can't explain it any better. Oh, yes, there will be more contests for PricklePoints™. Win a contest, and the points are yours.
The bigger question is, "What are my PricklePoints™ worth?"
To be honest, part of that depends on what worth you give them. First of all, there is the glory of simply having PricklePoints™. Then there is the greater glory of having more PricklePoints™ than someone else. It may very well be, however, that you don't care about your PricklePoints™. In that case, feel free to give them to someone who might.
PricklePoints™ shall be redeemable for things. You know, like the prize case at Chuck E. Cheese's. You will have to get lots of them indeed though. You really ought to save for something big.
You've caught me on the fact that I hadn't decided on what things PricklePoints™ can get you. Hmm...
(the following list is tentative and subject to change)
100 PricklePoints™: you win a pineapple. A real, regular pineapple, not one made of diamonds or anything. Go to the grocery store and buy a pineapple. Send me an unaltered copy/image of the receipt and I'll send you a rebate for the cost. (This item redeemable only for residents of the United States.)
What, not exciting enough? Very well.
250 PricklePoints™: you win a poem about you, written by me. Either that, or a chocolate orange. Your choice.
500 PricklePoints™: you win a
CamoBunny. That is, an official knitted CamoBunny mascot. Or if you already have or are getting a bunny, another knitted object of equal value.

750 PricklePoints™: you win a
pineapple hat. I don't know how to make one of these yet but I think the picture is hilarious.
Gosh, these stakes are getting high.
1,000 PricklePoints™: you win a kiss from me. What sort of kiss is up to my choosing, whether it be peck, continental, blown, 'eskimo' (they really ought to come up with a better name for that one), 'of death', french, butterfly, goodbye, doggiestyle, Hershey's, or whatever I decide.
Edit: due to lack of interest, the prize at this point level has been changed to a BoRSCHT. Not the soup, but a bag-o-random-stuff-collected-from-here-and-there.I haven't any ideas for more PricklePoints™ contests at present. If you want to submit contest ideas, you may. Just be aware that if you submit the idea, you may not eligible to win the particular contest that you submit unless the idea is fairly non-specific (just to be fair). And, that you would not feel discouraged, you may also submit ideas about items for which you'd like to redeem your PricklePoints™.
Good luck everyone.
2 words:
Squid Babies
wow. yes.
i had blocked out that memory. a most icky and tentacular entry indeed.
but... there are a few things out there that can beat squidbabies. anybody else have a submission?
ew. wow. okay, now my question is, was it alive?
oh, indeed. like they say, if you're able to catch the bunny, don't eat it.
my next question, then, is was it cooked? i am assuming it was not.
i see. so they were specifically prepared to be eaten, then, eh? (you didn't pick it off of a tree or anything.)
"the first hit's free..."
dude. he was pushing drugs. drugs, i tell you!
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